What is food? What is nutrition?

In this unit, we will learn how to differentiate between eating and nutrition.

Food and their functions

We will learn to classify food according to their function in human beings.

What is a balanced diet?

We will learn how to tell the difference between a balanced and an unbalanced diet.

The energy value of food

What happens when we ingest more calories than we consume?

Food preservation and storage

Do you know the best ways to preserve and store food?

Post- test Unit 2

Dear students, 

I hope you have enjoyed this lesson and learned enough to care about your food choices, from a scientific point of view. 

Remember the KWL chart we used before starting this unit? Now is the time to fill in the last section: I learned!

Please, open again the file and fill in the last column. Then, upload it to Google Classroom (the file is also available there).

Stay tuned for a new post on Unit 3!

Have a great week,

Ms. Gamez

Session 6

 Dear students, 

Let's play! This last NearPod activity (Time to Climb) is part of our review before our end-of-unit test. 

I hope you all enjoy it. Let's see who climbs all the way to the top first!

I'm sure you will do beautifully on Unit 2 test. 

Remember that I'm always available to answer any questions or doubts you may have.

Session 5

 Dear students, 

We are wrapping up Unit 2! Can you believe it?

  • During this session, everything that you have learned will come together in task 5.1. You will create a Google Slide presentation to showcase how important it is to have a balanced diet. 

  1. Choose a person (a family member, acquaintance, celebrity…) and create a personalized meal plan for 5 days. Include: 
    1. A profile of the customer (gender, age, lifestyle information, dietary restrictions)
    2. If there are dietary restrictions, draw a food pyramid. 
    3. Create a table for the meal plan: 5 days a week, 3 meals + 1 snack per day (2o meals). 
    4. Include a cell for physical activity. 
    5. The last slide will be a short report (150 words max.) on how to have a healthy lifestyle.
    6. You can repeat meals but the plan should include, at least, 10 different meals. You can make small changes by changing the type of meat, protein, nuts,...
Please, remember the focus is on being healthy, not on losing weight. 

The meal plan will be uploaded to Padlet (column #5). A rubric is uploaded to Google Classroom so you can see how your work will be assessed. 

  • The last activity (5. 2) for today is an exit ticket. Please, twitter questions/takeaways for this unit. I will take both into account to prepare for our Unit 2 review before the exam. 

Session 4

 Dear students, 

Welcome to session 4!

During activity 4.1 you will become a reporter (interviewer) and an interviewee to talk about eating habits! Check NearPod (slide 9) to access the FlipGrid assessment. You will access FlipGrid using your Google Classroom account. 

In the first stage of this task, you will be paired up with a partner. One will interview the other first. 

The interviewee has to choose one dietary restrictions that we have learned so far (diabetes, celiac disease, dairy allergy, Muslim, vegetarian, vegan) and answer the interviewer accordingly. 

The interviewer will ask questions about your eating habits. Once he/she knows your restriction, the questions will be more specific. 

Once you are done, switch places: now the interviewer will answer questions!

The interviewer is the one recording and uploading their video. So, there will be two videos per pair of students. 

Remember to use: 

    - Adverbs of frequency: never, hardly ever, occasionally, usually, always). 

    - Vocabulary related to food groups, and dietary restrictions

    - Structures: How often do you..? I never...

    - Greetings: Good morning/afternoon sir/madam.

    - Appropriate questions and structures: May I ask you a question?; Thank you for your time; I             appreciate your help, etc. 

    - Connectors:  I see; I didn't know that; Really?; That's interesting, etc. 

Session 3

 Dear students,

We're going social!

    • There are three templates. You need to edit all of them so each one includes one meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
    • Comment on, at least, 2 other posts. The comments should be positive and focus on the nutritional aspects we are studying. 
    • These are some structures you can use: 
      • Your meal is healthy/balanced because it includes…;
      • It also has… 
      • I see you are eating…which contains/has…
    • Don't forget to use Unit 3 vocabulary: 
      • Portion, serving
      • Food groups (fats, fruit and vegetables, cereals, meat and fish, nuts,...)
      • Vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates,...
    • You will be assessed taking into account: 
      • Your 3 templates (3 pictures and their captions should be included).
      • Comments to your classmates' posts (at least 2 positive comments that include the structures and vocabulary mentioned above). 
      • Negative comments will deduct points from your final grade for this task.  

    • Do the 'drag and drop' activity on slide 8. 
    • Check the rubric so you know how you will be assessed. 

*This template was created by Teaching TechNix

Session 2

Dear students, 

  • During activity 2.1, you will: 
    • research in groups typical staple foods and ingredients of a given English-speaking country (not the usual ones!) 
    • create a food pyramid on Google Slides by adding the pictures and the names of those items. 
    • Then, you will download your slide and upload it to our Padlet (column #2) so everybody can see them. 
  • During activity 2.2., you will: 

    • practice the structure Would you rather eat…or..?/I’d rather eat…than, along with vocabulary related to likes and dislikes. 
    • In pairs, create a “Would you rather eat...?” chart using this app and get the information from this website, adding any other foods they know. 
    • Then, using the slide below, discuss the options by adding That’s disgusting!/That looks yummy!/Delicious!/I would never eat that!, etc. 
    • Don't forget to upload the chart to Padlet!
    • We will conduct a poll in class after this activity to choose “the most disgusting one” and “the one we want to try”. Please, refer to the slide to answer and vote.
  • As an exit ticket, carry out activity 2. 3. You will fill in a multiple-choice questionnaire to review basic concepts learned during this session. Remember you can access this using Google Classroom

Session 1

 Dear students, 

This is our first session of the unit Food and Nutrition. 

Today, we will discuss the difference between the concepts "food" and "nutrition".

  • During activity 1.1, you will:
    • be paired with a classmate to discuss possible answers to the questions posed by the teacher.
    • discuss your answers.
    • share the answers with the rest of the class using the collaborative boards on NearPod
  • During activity 1.2, you will:

  1. Watch an EdPuzzle video.
  2. Answer the questions in class, using this slide for support

  • During activity 1.3, you will work in groups of 3 and read a text on food and nutrition (Biology and Geology 3, pp. 26- 27. Richmond). 
    • Each member of the pair is assigned a section. 
    • All members with the same section gather together to summarize it and write down the most important parts. 
    • Everybody goes back to their group and share their information to create a mindmap
    • The mindmap will be saved as an image and uploaded to Padlet for everyone to see.

Biology and Geology 3. (2020). Madrid, EspaƱa: Santillana Educacion S. L./Richmond. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! I'm here to help!