Session 5

 Dear students, 

We are wrapping up Unit 2! Can you believe it?

  • During this session, everything that you have learned will come together in task 5.1. You will create a Google Slide presentation to showcase how important it is to have a balanced diet. 

  1. Choose a person (a family member, acquaintance, celebrity…) and create a personalized meal plan for 5 days. Include: 
    1. A profile of the customer (gender, age, lifestyle information, dietary restrictions)
    2. If there are dietary restrictions, draw a food pyramid. 
    3. Create a table for the meal plan: 5 days a week, 3 meals + 1 snack per day (2o meals). 
    4. Include a cell for physical activity. 
    5. The last slide will be a short report (150 words max.) on how to have a healthy lifestyle.
    6. You can repeat meals but the plan should include, at least, 10 different meals. You can make small changes by changing the type of meat, protein, nuts,...
Please, remember the focus is on being healthy, not on losing weight. 

The meal plan will be uploaded to Padlet (column #5). A rubric is uploaded to Google Classroom so you can see how your work will be assessed. 

  • The last activity (5. 2) for today is an exit ticket. Please, twitter questions/takeaways for this unit. I will take both into account to prepare for our Unit 2 review before the exam. 


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