Session 3

 Dear students,

We're going social!

    • There are three templates. You need to edit all of them so each one includes one meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
    • Comment on, at least, 2 other posts. The comments should be positive and focus on the nutritional aspects we are studying. 
    • These are some structures you can use: 
      • Your meal is healthy/balanced because it includes…;
      • It also has… 
      • I see you are eating…which contains/has…
    • Don't forget to use Unit 3 vocabulary: 
      • Portion, serving
      • Food groups (fats, fruit and vegetables, cereals, meat and fish, nuts,...)
      • Vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates,...
    • You will be assessed taking into account: 
      • Your 3 templates (3 pictures and their captions should be included).
      • Comments to your classmates' posts (at least 2 positive comments that include the structures and vocabulary mentioned above). 
      • Negative comments will deduct points from your final grade for this task.  

    • Do the 'drag and drop' activity on slide 8. 
    • Check the rubric so you know how you will be assessed. 

*This template was created by Teaching TechNix


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