Session 4

 Dear students, 

Welcome to session 4!

During activity 4.1 you will become a reporter (interviewer) and an interviewee to talk about eating habits! Check NearPod (slide 9) to access the FlipGrid assessment. You will access FlipGrid using your Google Classroom account. 

In the first stage of this task, you will be paired up with a partner. One will interview the other first. 

The interviewee has to choose one dietary restrictions that we have learned so far (diabetes, celiac disease, dairy allergy, Muslim, vegetarian, vegan) and answer the interviewer accordingly. 

The interviewer will ask questions about your eating habits. Once he/she knows your restriction, the questions will be more specific. 

Once you are done, switch places: now the interviewer will answer questions!

The interviewer is the one recording and uploading their video. So, there will be two videos per pair of students. 

Remember to use: 

    - Adverbs of frequency: never, hardly ever, occasionally, usually, always). 

    - Vocabulary related to food groups, and dietary restrictions

    - Structures: How often do you..? I never...

    - Greetings: Good morning/afternoon sir/madam.

    - Appropriate questions and structures: May I ask you a question?; Thank you for your time; I             appreciate your help, etc. 

    - Connectors:  I see; I didn't know that; Really?; That's interesting, etc. 


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