Session 2

Dear students, 

  • During activity 2.1, you will: 
    • research in groups typical staple foods and ingredients of a given English-speaking country (not the usual ones!) 
    • create a food pyramid on Google Slides by adding the pictures and the names of those items. 
    • Then, you will download your slide and upload it to our Padlet (column #2) so everybody can see them. 
  • During activity 2.2., you will: 

    • practice the structure Would you rather eat…or..?/I’d rather eat…than, along with vocabulary related to likes and dislikes. 
    • In pairs, create a “Would you rather eat...?” chart using this app and get the information from this website, adding any other foods they know. 
    • Then, using the slide below, discuss the options by adding That’s disgusting!/That looks yummy!/Delicious!/I would never eat that!, etc. 
    • Don't forget to upload the chart to Padlet!
    • We will conduct a poll in class after this activity to choose “the most disgusting one” and “the one we want to try”. Please, refer to the slide to answer and vote.
  • As an exit ticket, carry out activity 2. 3. You will fill in a multiple-choice questionnaire to review basic concepts learned during this session. Remember you can access this using Google Classroom


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