Session 1

 Dear students, 

This is our first session of the unit Food and Nutrition. 

Today, we will discuss the difference between the concepts "food" and "nutrition".

  • During activity 1.1, you will:
    • be paired with a classmate to discuss possible answers to the questions posed by the teacher.
    • discuss your answers.
    • share the answers with the rest of the class using the collaborative boards on NearPod
  • During activity 1.2, you will:

  1. Watch an EdPuzzle video.
  2. Answer the questions in class, using this slide for support

  • During activity 1.3, you will work in groups of 3 and read a text on food and nutrition (Biology and Geology 3, pp. 26- 27. Richmond). 
    • Each member of the pair is assigned a section. 
    • All members with the same section gather together to summarize it and write down the most important parts. 
    • Everybody goes back to their group and share their information to create a mindmap
    • The mindmap will be saved as an image and uploaded to Padlet for everyone to see.

Biology and Geology 3. (2020). Madrid, España: Santillana Educacion S. L./Richmond. 

Do not hesitate to ask me any questions! I'm here to help!



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